I've been wondering for a while why Ajax has become so popular recently, when Flash has had the same capabilities and more for several years. I've been working with both JavaScript and Flash since 1999, and for me, there's never been a debate over which was the superior technology. I avoided JavaScript when possible, mostly because cross-platform compatibility was my prime directive, and because it was possible to do things in Flash that JavaScript was incapable of. For a long time, the Flash Player was more ubiquitous than the presence of advanced JavaScript capability.
Today it seems to me that the Flash Player and advanced JavaScript capability are almost on an even footing in terms of ubiquity (I say this based on user agent stats I've seen from a few different market segments). When you consider that MSIE 6 can make up 90% of the traffic to a consumer-oriented site, that's a pretty good chunk of it. Then, you've got the IE 5.x's, the Firefox's and the occasional Safari. Really, the browser that can't do Ajax is increasingly rare.
I still believe Flash is superior, in many ways. But ironically, the things that used to be its main strengths are becoming liabilities.
I used to rely on Flash because it reduced my testing effort. With Flash, I could be basically assured that what worked on PC IE would work on Mac IE (no small feat, by JavaScript standards). Unfortunately, over the last several versions of the Flash Player, many obscure bugs have come and gone, bugs that existed for perhaps only one minor version of the Player on one browser. I recall one particularly egregious bug in Player 6-dot-something for Mac IE, where you could not cancel a loadMovie request once it was made (hogging up bandwidth to an unusable degree, in my case).
Fortunately, Macromedia was great about fixing those bugs. Unfortunately, the public was not so great about updating their players. These days, if you want to reach that 97% audience that Adobe advertises, you have to target Player 6. I recently came across a scenario where the company-wide IT policy was Player 6, no hope of upgrade (in some companies, shockwave is just completely blocked at the firewall level).
[As a long-time Flash devotee, I cringe while writing the following]
The upshot of all this is that Flash represents a multiplication in testing effort for every back-version you target. Even some of the simplest tasks, such as Local Shared Object read and write, can not in my experience be relied upon to work identically across all minor player versions back to 6.0. If you want to make a compatibility promise, the only way to do so is to test every feature of your application in every version of every targeted browser, in every minor version of the Flash player going back to the targeted version.
To put that in perspective, there are 6 releases in the Player 6 archive, and Player 7 had 7. Let's ignore Player 8 for now. Let's suppose we want to target MSIE 5 and greater, Firefox 1 and greater, and Safari 2 and greater. That's at least 3 versions of IE, at least 3 of Firefox, and probably 2 of Safari (I'm speaking loosely here, I'm sure there are more). That makes 8 browsers to test on, and 13 versions of the player - a total of 104 test configurations.
No development team in their right mind would take on such a testing effort, even for a mildly involved project. (Now, I'm not suggesting that you have to - you can definitely achieve high quality products in Flash without all that. But to be precise, you can't make a cross-platform compatibility promise without actually testing on all targeted configurations.) Compare this to JavaScript, where you have only the browsers themselves to concern yourself with.
Now, I have never tested a complex application in every minor version of the Player, and more often than not, the cross-platform compatibility promise of Flash does hold true. But I have also had situations where bugs didn't present themselves until the product was launched and customers complained. Those situations have made me very cautious, and even though I don't test all the minor versions, I do end up with longer QA cycles on my Flash projects than the JavaScript ones.
Not that testing JavaScript-based apps is easier: there tend to be more unanticipated bugs than in Flash, so I probably end up with more QA cycles.
Ultimately, Flash can still do way more than JavaScript, and I firmly believe it remains a better solution for RIA. But I don't think Adobe can rightfully trumpet cross-platform compatibility and player ubiquity in the same breath. If you want all the considerable advantages that the Flash Player has to offer, you have to sacrifice some market penetration. If you want 97% reach, you have to author for Player 6 and test like mad.
One thing Adobe could do to help the situation would be to publicize the bug databases from old releases of the player. That would at least allow us to know what we're dealing with when developing for older player versions. A lot of the bugs that have given me the most grief in the past were only documented in the Flashcoders archives, and only in the ad hoc format of a discussion thread.
I have had a hard time understanding why so many developers were so keen to jump on the Ajax bandwagon when Flash has been around so much longer. Maybe this testing effort thing has something to do with it. Am I onto something here?